Delivery Report

Delivery Report

A delivery report is an SMS service that assures you about the message delivered on the customer’s end. You can
acknowledge the delivered and undelivered messages to the contact number of your customers through the delivery

When sending thousands of messages in a flow then it happens that due to the server issues some of the messages
\ get queued and remain undelivered. SMS delivery report gives you the full track to know about the messages to
those contacts that are in the queue so that you can send them back. 

The delivery report ensures that the message has been sent from your device and delivered to the customers.
When messages are regulated then first it reaches to the server also called the message carrier. Then there are
messages that are rejected by the carrier. Then comes the messages that the messages have not been
delivered to the intended recipient and then the final graph of the messages that have successfully been delivered.

There are many reasons for a message that can not be delivered;
  • unreachable number
  • Message rejected by the carrier
  • Weak signal
  • None existing numbers
  • Memory full
  • Handset error

Through the SMS delivery report, you can keep track of all the messages and the activities made by those messages
before being delivered to the customers. With the proper analysis, you can reschedule the messages that have not
been delivered or queued.

You can issue the service of Mobishatra bulk SMS that gives you the access to have the full information about
the status of your messages
Mobishastra is known for its outstanding features and incredible SMS solution. Enabling the service you can have the overall analysis and SMS delivery report from its initial position to the recipient.


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